
Dear universe,
I promise to make this page better and complete very soon. With abstracts, and pre-prints and what not. xxx

Journal Articles

 ‘Audible Ecosystemics as Artefactual Assemblages: Thoughts on Making and Knowing Prompted by Practical Investigation of Di Scipio’s Work.’ Contemporary Music Review 33, no. 1 (2 January 2014): 59–70.
 ‘Agility and Playfulness: Technology and Skill in the Performance Ecosystem.’ Organised Sound 16, no. 02 (2011): 134–44.
 ‘Pondering Value in the Performance Ecosystem.’ eContact! 10, no. 4 (2008).

Conference Papers

‘NIME, Musicality and Practice-Led Methods.’ In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, edited by Baptiste Caramiaux, Koray Tahiroglu, Rebecca Fiebrink, and Atau Tanaka, 1–6. London: Goldsmith’s University of London, 2014.

 ‘Four Small LLEAPPs for Electroacoustic Music Studies: Notes on Performance Strategies from a Series of Participatory Electronic Music Workshops.’ In Proceedings of the Electroacoustic Music Studies Network (EMS) Conference. Berlin, 2014.
‘More Than `Just a Hammer’: Critical Technique in Electroacoustic Practice.’ In SoundAsArt Conference. Aberdeen, 2006.


‘User Serviceable Parts: Practice, Technology, Sociality and Method in Live Electronic Musicking.’ Doctoral, City University London, 2013.