Limits to Growth
A ‘sonic parasite’ installation developed with Martin Parker for the Gap in the Air festival at the Talbot Rice Gallery in 2015.

Codex Teuthis
2014 follow-up EP to Riders on the Conquering Worm from Sileni (with Ali Maloney).

Spectral Dweller
This piece is from 2013 and was assembled for Martin Parker and I.

Self Organising Systems
A 2012 performance with Evan Parker and…

Exchange. Value.
This piece was put together in 2012 for Tri/ofon, my laptop trio with Dave Murray-Rust and Jules Rawlinson.

Cardboard Cutout
My first piece for bowed cardbox box. Below is a performance from 2010, at Dialogues Festival, Inspace, Edinburgh.

An installation with Dave Murray-Rust (electronics, code stuff) and Agelos Papasakis (glass). I did code, sound.

Riders on the Conquering Worm
The first release from Sileni, my improvised doom-panto hip-hop duo with Ali Maloney, on Black Lantern music, from 2009.

And Now for Some Music
This piece, from 2007, builds on the work started in Danger in the Air but is more focused on wavering around the boundaries between pitch and texture.

Danger in the Air
My first live algorithm piece, started in 2006.